Eurhonet – the European Housing Network – is a network of 36 public and social housing providers committed to delivering excellent services.
Our mission
Our mission is to promote learning and development to better serve our tenants, neighbourhoods, and society. We collaborate, learn from each other, and develop new ideas together.
Eurhonet’s work centres around the needs of our tenants and the professional development of our employees. Eurhonet currently has members from Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. We all have the same ambition: to improve our professional performance by sharing best practices, developing our skills, and creating a common view of excellence in the public and social housing sector.
Eurohonet – the European Housing Network – stands on three pillars:
Our key activities
Providing excellent services for our tenants, communities, and society
We help our member organisations to improve their professional performance, processes, and working methods. This includes:
- Exchanging experiences and working together to develop, test, implement, and share models of best practice;
- Running Topic Groups on four key issues in the public and social housing sector: sustainable construction, social integration, ageing, and digital communication and technology in housing;
- Organising workshops and skills development programmes;
- Supporting our members’ participation in EU projects.
Prioritising the wellbeing and professional development of employees
We support our members to invest in their staff, attract talented employees to the sector, and enhance existing staff training and development opportunities.
Collaboration with Housing Europe
We feed the experiences of our members gathered via our working groups and national and regional dialogue into the policy formulation process of Housing Europe, our sector’s representative body at EU and International level.
Why a European perspective?
We believe it is crucial to look beyond national borders when striving for excellence in our sector.
Elevating standards
The European perspective allows us to benchmark our practices against a much broader set of standards. By examining different frameworks, we can scrutinise our own practices, identify areas for improvement, and showcase outstanding initiatives.
“Together, we are an invaluable resource, utilising each other’s experience and knowledge of various issues related to human living.” – Cathrine Holgersson, Gavlegårdarna, Sweden
Zooming out on our challenges
Often, all we need is to step back and change perspective. By understanding the challenges and successes of our counterparts in other countries, we can achieve a more nuanced approach to problem-solving. Learning from a wide variety of experiences help us to better respond to, respect, and reflect the diverse needs of our communities.
“We joined Eurhonet with the desire to gain insights about working realities that are radically different from ours. To learn about new, more dynamic, and effective procedures to address the real needs that we face every day.” – Lorenzo Roggi, Arezzo Casa Spa, Italy
Transnational cooperation
Climate change, affordability, social exclusion, demographic change… The challenges we face don’t stop at borders. Sharing best practice, resources and expertise can help us to build joint initiatives and avoid working in isolation.
“Far from closing ourselves off from others, our vision is of an open, optimistic world that believes in humanity. Eurhonet showed me that whatever the country, we face the same questions and that sometimes our neighbours had already found the solution I was looking for.” – Fabrice Barbe, Vosgelis, France
Collective impact
Excellent knowledge should be shared. Working together, we can do more for our tenants and neighbourhoods.
“Poplar HARCA has always valued strong and enduring partnerships with like-minded people and organisations. Being part of a European network supports our ambitions and help us achieve so much more than we could alone. Eurhonet has enabled us to connect with many organisations and opened up valuable learning opportunities for our staff, which ultimately benefits our residents.” – Steve Stride, Poplar HARCA, UK
More about Eurhonet – the European Housing Network
Learn more about the dedicated team behind Eurhonet.
Find out more about how we develop and share best practice.
See the opportunities available to develop your skills and experience.
*Eurhonet’s key figures do not include our founding member DELPHIS, which is an association of social housing providers in France.