The “Vivre l’Eco Logis” educational apartment welcomes residents of social housing areas and the general public to learn about eco-gestures in a fun and simple way, enabling them to reduce their energy bills. The project is run by Vosgelis and is a great example of how educational apartments can engage tenants in energy efficiency.
Educational apartment to engage tenants in energy efficiency
The apartment is located in the heart of a priority district of the town. By using the educational apartment, Vosgelis can better meet the needs of tenants by helping them control their expenses and return purchasing power. In addition, the apartment helps to build good relationships between residents (both Vosgelis’ tenants and other people) and other stakeholders in an effort to reduce energy prices.
Additional social benefits
The main aims of the project not only included the reduction of energy consumption, but also the fight against social isolation and supporting tenants in employment, training, integration, and services.
Therefore, young job seekers underwent training to act as educational staff at the apartment. Face Vosges recruited two leaders, who quickly learnt their new profession of energy training instructors.
Find out more
To find out more on this initiative, please do not hesitate to contact Vosgelis’ Coordinator through the Members Only Zone. If you are not yet a member of Eurhonet, find out how to join us.