The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) entered into force earlier this year. With it come new obligations and requirements that will affect many housing providers across Europe. The CSRD aims to create more transparency about how companies impact people and the environment. What’s more, it represents an opportunity for all public and social housing providers to re-evaluate their activities. We should ask: how can we be more mindful about our impact?
At the annual Eurhonet Leadership Summit in Darmstadt, Germany, Charlotte Limousin and Anne Behlouli from DELPHIS demystified the CSRD and the EU Taxonomy.
“We need to take a step back. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and the EU Taxonomy are complex, but this is an opportunity to ask the right questions about your business model. It is all about what we want to do to be more in line with sustainability goals,” explained Anne Behlouli.
The CSRD necessitates a shift towards a prospective approach. Therefore, we must set targets and look forward to the short, medium, and long term. The Eurhonet Leadership Summit provided the ideal framework to workshop ideas, discuss upcoming challenges, and develop strategies to future-proof our organisations.
Eurhonet Leadership Summit 2023
Sustainable finance was one of the focuses of this year’s event, which was hosted by our German member bauverein AG from 14-15 June. Leaders from across the European public and social housing sector joined us in Darmstadt, Germany.
In addition, we shared best practice examples on a number of key topics. Steve Roden from Bolton at Home and member of the Disruptive Innovators Network reminded us of the importance of being agile. Through an inspiring keynote, we were inspired to become more open to innovation. This sentiment is at the heart of Eurhonet’s work: sharing knowledge, learning, and improving to serve our tenants and neighbourhoods.
Eurhonet members: don’t forget to check out the event materials in the Members Only Zone!