(Past) 15-16 May 2024: Involving our tenants in renovation – Lyon

5 March 2024

Our Sustainable Construction and Social Integration Topic Groups will hold a joint meeting in Lyon (France), focusing on involving tenants in renovation. This will be a great opportunity to increase collaboration and share learning between our Topic Groups.

The meeting will focus on tenants’ involvement in all phases of a building’s energy renovation. Workshops to share the different groups’ points of view will examine on the design, construction and operation phases. We will share insights and best practice from both construction and social perspectives.

Study visit – La Confluence

To spark off our discussions and group work, we will begin with a study visit to La Confluence: a re-developed area of the city which prioritises the environment and the well-being of residents.

The area has underwent a massive reconversion project. We will examine how the neighbourhood has been regenerated – both in terms of new builds and renovation projects. The study visit will focus on the social housing complexes in the area, examining how the renovation of historic social housing buildings – such as the Cité Perrache – has also respected heritage and pre-modernist architecture. In addition, we will explore how new social housing constructions have prioritised energy efficiency and social mix.

Right hand image – Cité Perrache, courtesy of La Confluence

Involving tenants in renovation

Involving practitioners from different domains, we will hold lively discussions and best practice sharing sessions on the different phases of an energy renovation project. How to incorporate tenants’ needs into designing a renovation with high sustainability goals? During the work phase, how do we minimise the impact on tenants’ lives while ensuring the quality of works? What are best practices to ensure all tenants are fully informed about works? Following the renovation, what advice can we share on ensuring people maximise the benefits of their newly-renovated homes?

In addition, we are pleased to welcome Barbara Steenbergen, Head of Liaison Office to the EU of the International Union of Tenants (IUT). Barbara Steenbergen will give inputs on the tenants’ perspective when dealing with renovation projects.

How to register?

If you are a member of Eurhonet, you can download the full agenda and register in the Members Only Zone. If you are not yet a member of Eurhonet, find out about joining us.

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