The Eurhonet Sustainable Construction Topic Group will organise an online meeting on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. The meeting will take place on 27 November at 11:00 CET.
The new Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD 4) was approved earlier this year by the European institutions. This Directive introduces new targets for energy efficiency, both for new-builds and existing buildings. It defines the new concept of Net Zero Buildings, involves life cycle evaluations, and expands interest beyond the building fabric, also covering aspects connected to sustainable mobility.
EPBD: a pressing issue for our members
The EPBD and its implications for public and social housing practitioners was identified by our Topic Group members as a pressing issue. During the webinar, a detailed presentation will be delivered by Isaac Scaramella, energy expert and Topic Group coordinator, followed by questions from the participants. We will then hold a roundtable, where participants will comment on how the EPBD’s national transposition process is going in their countries.
Join the online meeting
Eurhonet members can access the full agenda and sign up for the webinar in the Members Only Zone. If you are not yet a member of Eurhonet, find out about joining us.