Best practice by ÖrebroBostäder, Sweden
ÖBO’s concept is not based on patented technology, but rather on a systems approach. This means that the technology we advocate is not tied down to specific suppliers. Instead, the technology is built and controlled by an organisation’s own operation, and can therefore easily be tailored to meet needs that arise in the future.
The methods adopted by ÖBO have developed into a unique concept. It involves a journey to sustainable energy efficiency improvements, with valuable benefits along the way including reduced energy consumption, lower operating costs, reduced environmental impact, increased property values , standard solutions that provide minimal constrictions and more independence, a monitoring model that reduces the risk of degeneration, and goodwill – all brand-strengthening .
There are already many solutions included in the ÖBO Concept, developed successively by different suppliers where ÖBO is the client.
These solutions include :
- Systems for measurement and control with central data management
- Forecast-based control of heating
- Invoicing based on consumption
- Customer application to “monitor my own consumption”
- Lighting control and central lighting relay
- Ventilation control
- Laundry rooms with “pay-as -you-go” for energy consumption
- Controlled engine pre heaters
- Systems for the reporting and monitoring of prioritised measures to be taken, along with visualisation of real-time data
- Monitoring of the energy performance of construction contractors and builders
- The development of new solutions is always ongoing, and at the moment ÖBO’s focus is on improving heating efficiency.
Find out more
To find out more on this initiative, please do not hesitate to contact the organisation’s Coordinator through the Members Only Zone.