Work-out for cleaners

Best practice of Bostadsbolaget, Sweden

Cleaning is a difficult job and it is challenging for the body. To handle the heavy parts of the job you must be in good physical condition. If you are not, you are at risk of different kinds of injuries in the long term. Many of those who work or have worked in cleaning suffer from different kinds of pains related to the repetitive movements of the job. Statistically, cleaners are the occupational group with the most absence due to work related problems.

Cleaners often retire with repetitive strain injuries. This is something Bostadsbolaget (Sweden) wants to prevent, as it strives to be a responsible employer. We know that regular physical exercise, especially for the muscle groups that are particularly at risk, prevents different kinds of work related injuries.

In 2015, Bostadsbolaget introduced a mandatory and joint hour of work-out every week for its cleaners. The cleaners are divided into groups depending on where they work. They then attend gyms located near their workplace and are assigned personal trainers who help them set up personal goals. During the semester, they have regular catch-ups with their personal trainer. Great consideration is taken to each and every person’s individual condition and goals.

Find out more

To find out more on this initiative, please do not hesitate to contact Bostadsbolaget’s Coordinator through the Members Only Zone.

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